Friday, February 12, 2010

The First Real Attempt

Ok. Here we go. The blog is by no means complete. I still have a lot of work to do to get all the links, sites, patterns, books, etc, etc, up and running - but here we go.

February 12, 2010. First post.

We are under nearly 40 inches of snow in our neighborhood. The DC metro area has just seen the largest amount of snowfall in one winter - ever!

I have been knitting like crazy. I am finding that it's the best therapy for the winter blah's and the baby blues. Knit, knit, knit. I am developing a couple patterns for an infant and will post them when I get them ready. As for sewing, I have lofty dreams of finishing a couple projects as well as starting some new ones, but alas, the time demands of my wee little ones are too great at the moment. All I can squeeze in is some knitting. But oh how satisfying that is.

I'll try to post some photos of the snow and the kids later this evening. Till then, happy Friday!

P.S. Tell me there are more of you out there who are crazy excited that the Olympics starts tonight. I'm not alone, right?

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