Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

I remember loving this holiday when I was a little girl. I always wore something pink (and still do!) My mom gave the best presents too. It was never anything big, just really cool small stuff. My favorite was a heart shaped barrette - red- that was open in the middle so you hair showed through. I still have it.

Having boys has changed the flavor of the holiday for me. We got Simon his favorite series of books so we don't have to keep checking them out from the library (now other children will have a chance to read them.) Isaac is getting a sweet little stuffed hippo that I've had tucked away for a while. That's it, nice and simple - and not very heart-y or pink-y.

Before I go, I want to share one of my favorite things that Simon says. Tonight he wanted Rice Krispeeps. I just love it! You can have all the Krispeeps you want honey.

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